(Movin' On Up) To The CEO Office: A How To Guide

"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

I always receive a plethora of questions and comments when I host seminars and/or participate in speaking engagements that target college students and young professionals.  But there is one question that constantly creeps up:

“Lexi, what is the most important thing I can do in my job to be successful?”

My response is always the same.

“Make your manager look good.”

You always want your manager in your corner and the best way to achieve this is to make him/her look great. If you do a great job, then you and your manager will receive the benefits.  

There is nothing like walking into a conference room and hearing rave reviews about your employee.

 As you continue on this positive path, your manager will trust you more and give you more exciting projects that will introduce you to new people and new ideas.  

Trust Your Gut and Be Good to Your Boss

As long as your manager is not asking you to do anything illegal or immoral, just go with the flow. Many times your job will not be what the job description implies, especially as a young professional. Your job is to be present, positive, and willing to do whatever the team needs.  Having a strong relationship with your boss is crucial to building a path of success.  Be good to them (and do your best) and they will pay it forward.

Unfortunately, there are times in which you and your manager just can’t find a common ground and you are just too tired of the “fake it to make it” game.  In these circumstances, you need to “fake it until you get the next job” game.  The rules are simple: Be kind, smile, vent to your friends during happy hour, and find a new job as quickly as possible.  There is never a need to stay in a negative working relationship, especially when that relationship is the most influential aspect of your career.  

Striving to be at the top of your career is no easy task.

You will want as many cheerleaders as possible. Your manager has the power to be the head of your squad.  

What has your career journey been like? What are some of the greatest lessons you have learned?


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